The past few days, there?s been a really excellent conversation about abortion over at Too Conservative. Some good thoughtful commentary on both sides (and some truly fantastic examples of what happens when you counter prejudice with facts). I particularly liked Ed Myers?s question:
Funny how pro-life means different things when the issue is trespass. A fetus trespassing on a woman must be saved even at the risk of the mother?s life. A trespasser in your home can be killed with the stand-you-ground castle doctrine.
Why is self defense bad for pregnant women but good for gun owners?
At any rate, my comments there contained copious links to studies on abortion rates around the world, women?s mental health after abortion, women?s mental health after giving up children for adoption,? and stories of judicial and medical over-reach in ignoring the health and safety of pregnant women (and/or their existing children) in favor of the putative health and safety of what could someday be called in-utero Americans.
In the interests of saving my time and patience the next time I get into one of these on-line discussions, and for the convenience of anyone else who gets into one of these on-line discussions, here?s a big list of all the links I used over there.
- Women are 14 times more likely to die in child-birth than from an abortion.
- 2006?2008, 99% of women who had ever had sexual intercourse had used at least one method of birth control.
- What the vaginal transducer, also known as the ?dildo cam?, looks like.
- Court-ordered bed rest
- Court-ordered cesarean sections
- A discussion of Carhart and what it may mean for pregnant women?s right to refuse medical treatment.
- Abortion does NOT increase cancer risk
- As long as a woman?s still got her ovaries, eggs can be fertilized. (Wow, personhood amendments probably mean that all hysterectomies will need to also remove the ovaries, which has much bigger side-effects)
- Effect of criminalization on abortion rates from The Lancet (free, but registration required to view)
- Mental health in adoptees: Short answer, they?re as mentally healthy as their non-adopted cohort but act out more, and are more likely to have been seen by a mental health professional.
- Mental health in birth mothers: I am citing a government fact sheet which, in turn, cites several studies. These studies are not comparisons to women who have had abortions.
- Mental health in women who have had abortions: This is from the American Psychological Association:
?The best scientific evidence published indicates that among adult women who have an unplanned pregnancy the relative risk of mental health problems is no greater if they have a single elective first-trimester abortion than if they deliver that pregnancy. The evidence regarding the relative mental health risks associated with multiple abortions is more equivocal. Positive associations observed between multiple abortions and poorer mental health may be linked to co-occurring risks that predispose a woman to both multiple unwanted pregnancies and mental health problems.
?The few published studies that examined women?s responses following an induced abortion due to fetal abnormality suggest that terminating a wanted pregnancy late in pregnancy due to fetal abnormality appears to be associated with negative psychological reactions equivalent to those experienced by women who miscarry a wanted pregnancy or who experience a stillbirth or death of a newborn, but less than those who deliver a child with life-threatening abnormalities.?
And finally,
The Flying Karamazov Brothers explain logic:
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