শনিবার, ৩০ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Drinking tea can prevent ovarian cancer | Teasenz

Researchers have found that drinking two cups of tea a day can cut a woman?s chance of getting Ovarian Cancer by one-third.?It is thought antioxidant compounds found in tea ? catechins and theanins ? contribute to improved blood vessel function.?The study was carried out in the U.S. with 414 women, half of whom had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.?The findings were released in the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer before the start of ovarian cancer month in March.

About 4,400 women die each year from the illness, which claims the lives of more than 85 per cent of patients when found at a late stage. But detection in the early stages means 95 per cent of sufferers will survive.?Dr Catherine Hood, from the industry-backed Tea Advisory Panel, said an earlier Swedish study involving over 61,000 women made similar findings.It showed those who drank two or more cups of tea daily had a 46 per cent lower risk of the disease compared with those who never or seldom drank tea.

?Alex Ford, chief executive of The Eve Appeal, which supports patients with gynaecological cancers, said women should be aware of the signs of ovarian cancer, especially those over 50. She said,

?Traditionally, early diagnosis was difficult as experts didn?t agree on the symptoms and they are easily mistaken for other, much more common and less serious conditions.But there?s been more research, and scientists and doctors have agreed on what?advice to give women.?

This is a major discovery in what tea can do. With something that affects so many people like Ovarian Cancer, any stride is a great stride to fight this disease. So raise those cups of tea high- ?that calming cup of tea will improve your health. If not with the antioxidants, or the hydrating quality ? but with helping prevent one more disease.


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Source: http://teasenz.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/drinking-tea-can-prevent-ovarian-cancer/

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